UC Davis Marketing Package

Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign
Brochure page spread for Student Housing and Dining Services

GOAL: Create a three piece marketing package for UC Davis' Student Housing and Dining Services as an interview practical exercise. Two are print pieces about SHDS residence hall services, and the third is a digital piece for SHDS retail services.

APPROACH: I researched SHDS' services on the UC Davis website, as well as spending several hours reviewing UC Davis' brand identity guidelines. From there, I picked some services I would be interested in as a student to create marketing material for.

SOLUTION: The photos were sourced from the UC Davis official photo gallery, as well as SHDS social media. All colors used were the CMYK or RGB standard for the UC Davis brand identity, based on whether they were print or digital. I also created my own assets and used InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator to assemble these print and digital pieces.

To have a cohesiveness to the marketing package, I looked at the three pieces from the perspective of a prospective student that then spends their first year of college on campus in the residence halls.

Piece #1: Gender-Inclusive Housing

Residential Services (Print) - InDesign
Gender-Inclusive Housing, pages 1 - 2 (11"x17")
Gender-Inclusive Housing, pages 3 - 4 (11"x17")

Gender-inclusive housing options are one of many services that SHDS provides and I wanted to showcase this service to a prospective student. This four page spread would be included in a brochure about living on campus.

I wanted to make it very clear from someone thumbing through the catalogue that UC Davis is LGBTQIA-friendly in their housing policies, so I made the text "Housing for Everyone" and "We Welcome You" easy to read, next to a transgender pride flag.

Piece #2: Residential Gardens

Residential Services (Print) - Illustrator / InDesign
Volunteers needed for the sustainable Resident Gardens (8.5"x11")

This piece would be posted in a residence hall to tell students about volunteer opportunities at the Resident Gardens. I used the UC Davis typography idea of outlined text cut off to create this downward motion in the piece, like the roots were being planted. (This is also a play on words about planting roots at a newly-moved-to location.)

I chose the standard 8.5"x11" size for this flyer to make it easy for RA's to print out on a local printer.

Piece #3: Sage Market Pop-ups

Retail Services (Digital) - Illustrator / Photoshop
Digital advertisement for pop-up markets on social media
Digital advertisement mobile view example

Lastly, this is a digital piece that a student would see on social media if they followed SHDS pages. This advertises the Sage Street Market, a cafe under SHDS, which had pop-up markets for students to try new menu items. I used circles in this piece to echo the "pop" in pop-up.

Since this is a digital ad, it needed to look good on small screens. So, I created a mock mobile device that showed the piece on a small screen. I also made the ad a square since lots of social media sites crop images to squares even if they are a different dimension.

Process & Sketches
Pen and paper notes about requirements

I like to start large projects by writing down all of the requirements again, so I fully understand them. Here, you can see I brainstormed about various print and digital ads I could make for this project. At the bottom you can see the progression of when the ads would be run on campus, and what tools I would use.

Below, you can see the rough sketches I made for the three pieces. As I created the assets and moved items around on the pages, I deviated from my original design. However, you can see the basic ideas for each ad still exist -- the circles in "POP-UPS", the roots and downward motion of the garden flyer, and the slogan I came up with for "Housing for EVERYONE".

Housing for EVERYONE idea sketch
Plant with roots idea sketch
Pop-up market circle sketch
Original Assets

Mobile phone with iPhone X dimensions
Digital sketch of background illustration

I created a few original assets for these pieces. The mobile phone is to-scale and has official iPhone X dimensions. The plant was hand-drawn and then converted into a vector graphic in illustrator.