ROOTS Interior Design Brand Identity

Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop

GOAL: Create a brand identity for a high end fictional interior design agency "Roots" including logo, website pages, business card, and brand tiling. Brand buzzwords include: Luxury, quality, trust, value, high end, beautiful, one of a kind. Brief was found on Briefbox.

APPROACH: I wanted to show perfection and luxury in this brand. I chose stock images that were contemporary interior design for inspiration and looked at interior design catalogues. I also researched how other designers had tackled luxury brands like "the hoxton" hotel chain.

SOLUTION: Since this company serves young, wealthy clients, I chose a sans-serif typeface for the logo to indicate modernness. I landed on a royal blue and gold color scheme to evoke royalty and I used a grid composed of squares to indicate perfection. I also chose minimalist compositions to really let the images of the interior design stand out and shine.

Home page
Home page scrolled down
About page
Website Mockup

Especially in the website, I wanted to use a square grid to align all the images and text. I wanted to make the images pop so that customers could get a feel for the spaciousness of the interiors that Roots creates.

I mixed serif and sans-serif fonts to highlight different aspects of the brand. I put the buzzwords "Quality", "Luxury", and "Trust" in the same typeface as the Roots logo so that the viewer could make a connection between these words and the brand itself. For informational text, I used a contemporary serif typeface that indicated that the brand knew what it was doing in its field.

Business Card

I chose a non-traditional shape for the business card for several reasons. I wanted to keep the theme of square equals perfection, as well as showing that the company can go out of its way to afford the luxury of non-standard business card sizes. It's also unique, which is another buzzword that the brand associates with itself.

Business card front & back
Brainstorm of Roots logos and potential color options.
Narrowing down color options and picking the gold / beige colors.
Previewing potential logo typefaces in lower and upper case.
UI Design sketch for a potential home page.
UI Design sketch for a potential home page including an image.

Although I eventually landed on using royal blue, I thought the main color would be beige or purple (also a royal color). Only until I started putting together the website did I realize that blue worked better -- it was more elegant.

I put in thumbnails of interior design pieces into my mockups to make sure whatever color pallette I chose would look good behind the images, which needed to be the focus of the design.

For deciding on the logo's typeface, I researched fonts that are currently in use by luxury brands in both serif and sans-serif. I decided on sans-serif for simplistic elegance, and one that looked good on a dark background.