COVID-19 Safety Notices

Adobe Illustrator, InDesign
Three different stickers that could be placed on doors and walls about COVID-19 safety.

GOAL: Create a print package of signs that could be put up at a workplace after stay-at-home guidelines are lifted and people start returning to work.

APPROACH: I wanted to show that I can do iconography, so I decided to do stickers that could be placed on doors, as well as a larger sign that could be put in an A-frame about symptom surveying (see below).

SOLUTION: I wanted the stickers to be easily read and recognizable from far away since they would be placed outdoors. Each sticker has an icon that is a scalable vector to make the icons as large or small as needed. I also incorporated the icons into an example sign to show that the icons can be used separately or together, but still create a cohesive whole.

COVID-19 Symptom Survey A-Frame Sign

This poster is the ratio of a typical A-Frame sign. This poster would be placed at entrances to workplace buildings to let employees know about the symptom survey they would need to take to go into work that day. The QR code would be a link to the symptom survey.

Below, I repeated the icons that would be on doors and walls to communicate a cohesiveness to the design package, as well as to give the sense that the company is paying close attention to detail about disease safety.