Steampunk Train 2D Art

Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Photography

GOAL: Create an illustration that matched a series of steampunk images for an AP 2D Design course.

APPROACH: For this series of images, I needed repeating patterns and motifs that I could bring to multiple unique pieces. I decided that gold gears, vectorized versions of photography, and superimposed photos on vector images were the aspects to bring to each piece.

SOLUTION: For several things in this image, I took a photo of something in real life (like the model) and then traced them using illustrator. I felt it gave a two-dimensional vector graphic real depth for it to be based off of a real photographed object. I decided to use a triangular composition to keep the viewer focused on the middle of the image since there are so many different pieces around it. The composition keeps the eye focused while also leading it around the details.